Chronic Pain Management: Maintaining a Delicate Balance

By February 2, 2013 November 24th, 2014 General, Pain Management

Living with chronic pain is difficult and stressful.  Chronic pain is often aninvisible condition.  Many people who suffer with chronic pain do not show it.  They function at a high level; they look good, exhibit no pain behaviors and don’t talk about their pain to other people.

There are also people who have serious injuries with intense pain.  Their chronic pain has significant impact on their lives.  They are unable to work, daily chores are difficult to do and their pain levels are high and consistent.

People who live with chronic pain usually suffer from depression and anxiety.  Their quality of life is threatened and reduced.  It is very stressful living with a condition that has to be managed rather than cured.  Our society applauds people who produce.  Chronic pain conditions that result in an inability to work or function in other areas of life often stigmatize people.

Learning to live with chronic pain is a challenge and requires a change in philosophy and way of life.  Managing rather than curing means we let go of our quick fix philosophy and our goal of getting better.  That does not mean that we do nothing to help ourselves and just give up and live with it. Chronic pain does not have to take over our lives and be the focus of our life.  We need to accept and recognize who we are within the context of living with chronic pain.  If you have chronic pain do not let your condition define who you are!

Let me clarify.  Chronic Pain Management is a cognitive-behavioral approach to managing chronic pain. It is a change in philosophy and a change in thinking patterns.  It is a shift from acute care treatment to chronic care treatment. The goal of acute intervention is cure.  The goal of chronic pain management ismanagement of symptoms, physical and psychological.  Again, here is the delicate balance one needs to keep when living with chronic pain.

Acceptance of your condition should not be understood as giving up.  It is looking at your situation realistically.  Perhaps one day a cure for your condition or injury will be found and that would be wonderful.  However, right now you are dealing with a condition that is chronic and you can cope with that reality without giving up hope!

Yes, there is a delicate balance between managing chronic pain without ITmanaging you!  Chronic Pain Management can help you learn how to:

  • reduce pain with proven mind-body techniques
  • decrease discomfort, depression and anxiety
  • be more active
  • use medication appropriately
  • increase quality of life

Chronic Pain Management is not magic.  It is a cognitive-behavioral approach that can help you develop a new philosophy that could help you to manage your pain more effectively.  Consult a psychologist who is qualified in Chronic Pain Management to talk about your situation and find out if this approach would benefit you.

Author Virginia L. Walford

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